Sacred Heart School's 2018 Catholic Schools Week Eighth Grade Carnival…FUN for HHW!
This special group of eighth graders and their dedicated parents planned and implemented the most successful Carnival to date. Special thanks to Erin Schneider, Carnival Chair, for her motivating correspondence and leadership throughout the project. Everyone had a fabulous time at the event. The eighth grade students decided that
ALL the proceeds of their Carnival would be donated to...
Happy Hearts Working!
When it was all said and done, the eighth grade class, through ticket sales, carnival games, salsa and a super-awesome raffle, generated funds with a Grand Total of:
Wahoo!! That’s right! $4,510.91. Actually, the funds kept coming in even after the Carnival so HHW ended up with over $5,000 from our community. Not only was the financial contribution significant, but the camaraderie and pure LOVE was priceless. You know when you’re heart may burst, it’s so full? Yep, that is how we felt about this whole beautiful endeavor.
Thanks to Ben Chapman for all his hard work preparing this special video! Enjoy!
Because of Sacred Heart School's giving hearts, Jack and other HHW Associates, who graduate from high school with Intellectual and/or Developmental Disabilities will have a safe place during the week to continue life skills development, work purposefully for earnings, give back to our community by volunteering, and also have planned social activities shared with friends!
Become Involved with Happy Hearts Working!
To volunteer with HHW, we ask for you to complete the Volunteer Form, so we can stay connected with you and other wonderful volunteers as we continue to grow! For school-aged volunteers who will be helping us through service hour projects, we also ask for you to complete the form. Thank you!